Multiple T-Shirt Design Transfer - Airbrush Guru

Multiple T-Shirt Design Transfer

In this How To Airbrush tutorial Brad will take you through how to go about airbrushing the same design on multiple T Shirts. This T Shirt airbrush technique comes in very handy if you are doing school team shirts for example, where the same design has to go on lots of t-shirts. If you are new to airbrushing, read our beginner’s guide to airbrushing t-shirts.

Written BY Brad De La Torre

At the fabric store in the pellon section there is a very thin material you can get called “Pellon Brand Fusible interfacing white”.

When you airbrush on it the paint passes through the material transferring the design onto the surface behind it. For jobs where doing multiply shirts with the same design is called for you’ll find this material to be very handy.

What’s nice about using this technique is it allows you to work the design out on the material surface rather than on your t shirt. Make any necessary changes to the design on the material easily before any paint ever touches a t shirt. Airbrush your design on the material and then place the material on the shirt and trace over the design with the airbrush again.

Remove the material and you will see that the paint passed straight through onto the t shirt.

Now use a combination of thick and thin lines to clean up the look of your lettering.

Add some light shadows and layout where you want place the phone number and slogan.

Add the phone number and slogan.

Add highlights and star burst.

Now your first shirt is done. Use the material again and again to make certain that all your shirts look alike.