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About the Airbrush Guru

Adam R from AirbrushGuru.com

At the end of spring 2004 Iwata-Medea hired me, Adam , to work the technical support line troubleshooting airbrushes and compressors.

I knew nothing about airbrushes.  In fact, I thought an airbrush was something similar to an air guitar–I couldn’t figure out how anyone could make money selling air guitars and lip syncing equipment, but I signed on anyway.

Kirk Lybecker, a photo realist and ex-college professor, taught me the ropes.  What kinds of problems mean what kinds of fixes.

I helped people solve their problems over the phone as much as I could while trying to deliver the kind of customer service that I would want if I ever needed it.  Sometimes I failed, but I don’t believe it was very often.

Gary Glass kindly gave me virtual free reign on the phone.  My favorite line (I had lots of lines–some of them were even funny) was, and still is, “don’t worry, I’ll take care of you”.

I’ve always loved helping people solve problems.  I love it when someone finally ‘gets it’.  That moment of realization that they are both the problem AND the solution to their problems.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think user problems are bad.  I think they’re the best kind of problems to have!  Why?  Because if YOU are the problem then YOU are the solution.  It’s very empowering!

Whenever I solved someone’s problem I’d also do my best to tell them why the problem happened. That way they wouldn’t have to call me again–well, so I thought.

I’ve also always liked organizing information.  To me, information screams for organization.  It wants to be easily found, easily understood, and shared with others who have the same interests.

I’ve always had a knack for writing.  I’m the kid who was always in the upper reading and writing groups and classes.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s people who are far better writers than I am, but there are also people who can’t write so well. We all have our strengths, we all have our weaknesses.

AirbrushGuru.com is my attempt to write, organize, inform and help people.  I’d also like to earn a living from it.

Have something to say?  Tell me!  Sometimes I even listen!  😉