This particular guide applies to these airbrush models.
HP-BC1 | HP-BC+ | HP-BCR |
HP-BC2 |
Bamboo toothpicks don’t seem to break as often
Interdental brushes, or airbrush cleaning brushes (you’ll need the small ones), or pipe cleaners (not recommended)
Note: Cotton swabs do occasionally shed their fibers, if it does just make sure you pick them out
Old AOL CDs are my favorite “mirror-like surface” but if you’re cleaning with a solvent CDs won’t last long. In that case use part of a glass mirror.
Warning: Needles are still sharp.
Caution: Nozzles are delicate, they break easily
NOTE: Clean everything very thoroughly! I know you’re getting tired of me saying it. But I harp on it because it really IS that important!