In the grand scheme of airbrushes and sprayguns, choosing the right airbrush compressor is the least important step and, possibly, the most expensive step. People who make the best choices answer these three questions first. For impatient buyers, here are some quick recommendations. For detailed guide, keep reading below. Best Airbrush Compressors [Updated for 2024] Most […]
Continue readingAre you looking for the best airbrush? There are so many choices in features and configurations… Gravity feed, siphon feed, side feed. External mix, internal mix. Dual action, single action, trigger action. Consult the Airbrush Dictionary if you’re dying to find out what all those terms mean, or just keep reading. Then you have to take […]
Continue readingAirbrush paint for models and miniatures tutorial covers information on the many different types of paints used to airbrush models, advantages and disadvantages of using each – Written by Ken Synder Greetings fellow Airheads! I am going to be going over model paints as a foundation and build on it a bit. Model builders tend […]
Continue readingAirbrush freehand shields, templates are shapes laser cut into a plastic like material and come in hundreds of shapes and sizes. Becoming proficient in the use of airbrush freehand shields or templates can release you from the drudgery of having to use hard masking materials like transfer tape, masking tape and Frisket film. Combining airbrush […]
Continue readingReducing or thinning airbrush paint in many cases takes a bit of experimenting to find exactly at what consistency the paint atomized best in the airbrush you are using. Thinning Acrylic Paint The general rule of thumb with most Acrylic Colors is reducing it with distilled water or airbrush reducer until it flows like milk. […]
Continue readingStraining airbrush paint tutorial covers straining your paint to reduce the possibility of the paint causing trouble with your airbrush. If you have airbrush paint that has been sitting on the shelf for a while you should find this article very helpful. Here’s an easy way to strain your paint before you use it. I […]
Continue readingIf you follow these guidelines and practice the basic how to airbrush lessons, you’ll know everything you need to start airbrushing right. [Read our in depth guide on choosing the right airbrush ] I developed these guidelines while I worked the technical support lines at Iwata-Medea. Every day people needed help choosing or dealing with equipment that […]
Continue readingHow do you want to be set up? Are you a mobile operation? a semi-mobile operation? a permanent fixture? or borrowed/shared space? I do need to breech one major safety concern you need to be aware of with your location. That’s ventilation. Legal Considerations I won’t get into law heavily, but rather I want to […]
Continue reading`Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’ `That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat. `I don’t much care where–‘ said Alice. `Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,’ said the Cat “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll It all […]
Continue readingWhat’s happening when you spray? Let’s explore the basic underlying concepts of spraying with an airbrush [Read this guide if you are looking for best airbrush]. Once you know what’s happening and why, you’ll be able to bend or even break the normal rules to create stunning effects and techniques. Remember… “Knowledge is power” Table […]
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